If I want to specialise just one method in a template, how do I do it?

You can provide a specialization for only that function outside the class declaration.

template <typename T> struct Node
    // general method split
    void split()
        // implementation here or somewhere else in header

// prototype of function declared in cpp void splitIntNode( Node & node );

template <>
void Node<int>::split()
     splitIntNode( this ); // which can be implemented

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   Node <char> x;
   x.split(); //will call original method
   Node <int> k;
   k.split(); //will call the method for the int version

If splitIntNode needs access to private members, you can just pass those members into the function rather than the whole Node.

Your case is a fortunate example because you are fully-specializing the template. In other words there is only one template argument, and for the function you wish to specialize, you are providing a fully-specialized instantiation of that function definition. Unfortunately for partial class template specialization, it is a requirement that you re-implement the class.

For example, this works:

template<typename T, typename U>
struct Node
    void function() { cout << "Non-specialized version" << endl; }

void Node<int, char>::function() { cout << "Specialized version" << endl; }

The partially specialized version though will not work:

template<typename T, typename U>
struct Node
    void function() { cout << "Non-specialized version" << endl; }

template<typename U>
void Node<int, U>::function() { cout << "Specialized version" << endl; }

What you may want to-do if you find yourself in the second scenario, in order to avoid the needless duplication of code, is pack all the common elements into a common base-class, and then place all the elements that will be varying with the partial specialization in a derived class. That way you do not need to reduplicate all the common code in the base-class, you would only need to re-write the definitions for the specialized derived class.

Just define some

void Node<Triangle*>::split()

after the primary template, but before the first time you ever instantiate it.