How much traffic per month would my site need? [closed]

HOW MANY GB OF TRAFFIC IS REQUIRED PER MONTH? Any way to calculate this? Webhosting companies have a limit when ordering, so I need to know...

A classifieds website using PHP and MYSQL. MYSQL has around 500thousand records. Not much graphics. Pretty advanced search feautures.

How much traffic would I need do you think?


You won't know until you've run it for some time. Will largely depend on the visitors count, which right know I suppose you have close to zero. Start with something simple, 5 GB per month may suffice in the first months. Then you'll have some statistics to see how it's going on.

How many visits per month? How much data transmitted per visit?

Expected traffic needed = expected # visits per month * expected amount of data per visit.

While everyone else's answers are correct (there is no way we can say "X Gigabytes a month is how much you need"), the formula you will want to start with to get a ballpark estimate is pretty simple:

Expected number of users * Expected number of page loads per user * average size of page on site * an arbitrary fudge factor such as 1.5 (you would rather overestimate than underestimate).

Good luck!