To use Windows and Ubuntu on one computer, which should I install first?

I understand it's possible to install Ubuntu first, and later Windows or to install Windows first, and then Ubuntu, but assuming I have the freedom to do either, which is the better, easier, and more reliable installation order?

Solution 1:

It is significantly easier to install Ubuntu after installing Windows. The Windows installation process has no option for installation alongside another operating system, so doing so involves manually resizing partitions and fiddling with your master boot record. While this is certainly doable, the process is less "on rails" and leaves more room for user error.

Installing Ubuntu second is as simple as the following screen:

Screenshot of Ubuntu Installation "Installation Type" section

Solution 2:

I would say installing Windows first is the way to go. That way, Ubiquity can handle the partition resizing for you and there's no need to resort to some sort of hack to get your GRUB menu back.

Solution 3:

Did you consider virtualization ?

You'll have no more risk to wreck your Windows install. And you can run both OS at the same time.

If you just need an execution environment for command line unix tools (programming), virtualization is great. Compatibility is absolute.

You can use Virtualbox which is free, or vmware server, which is also free.

As for myself, I'm doing web development with ubuntu server 10.4 LTS virtualized with vmware/Win7. I'm a huge fan of this solution.

Solution 4:

I agree with the above, if you absolutely must dual boot, install Windows first for the reasons given, but there is another way, install Ubuntu, then create a VM for your Windows install in Virtualbox.

Once you realize that you haven't used Windows for over a year, simply delete the VM and free up the space.