Old ssl cert still showing up in browser after installing new

If your load balancer is taking the SSL offload then it will be the device that terminates the SSL connection and performs the handshake. You'll need to make sure the load balancer has the correct certificate.

Like a lot of the other posts I read where people were having the same problem, the solution here ended up being (somewhat) unrelated to the install of the new SSL cert.

Short answer: A reboot of all three servers (load balancer and actual content servers) was required. That seemed to finally clear the server's cache of the old cert.

Long answer: One of the IIS content servers (not the ARR load balancing server) seemed to have a bad IP address. Meaning, the static IP address we had given it was apparently being used elsewhere on the network. This was causing the ARR server to only use the other content server. All of this caused weird problems serving the site in general (occasional 502 errors), which I was attributing to the new SSL cert, and it also made it hard to bring the entire site back online after a reboot.

Bottom line.... the install of the new SSL cert was not the real issue. Once we solved the real issue, and after a reboot of all servers, the problem was resolved.

You need to select the new certificate under the Default website for https 443 port. (bindings)

enter image description here