SHA256 ssh fingerprint given by the client but only md5 fingerprint known for server
When connecting to a new/unknown server (with recent OpenSSH), for example:
You get the fingerprint like below:
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:7KMZvJiITZ+HbOyqjNPV5AeC5As2GSZES5baxy1NIe4.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
However, fingerprints are usually given for the server in this form:
How can I check the authenticity (without bugging the server admins to provide an SHA256 fingerprint)?
Solution 1:
Previously the fingerprint was given as a hexed md5 hash. Starting with OpenSSH 6.8 the fingerprint is now displayed as base64 SHA256 (by default). You can't compare these directly.
They also added a new configuration option FingerprintHash
You can put
FingerprintHash md5
in your ~/.ssh/config
to revert to the old (less secure) default or just use this option for single use:
ssh -o FingerprintHash=md5
which would give the fingerprint as
Hopefully server admins provide both types of fingerprints in the near future.
As given in the Arch Linux forums, there is also a third option:
FingerprintHash md5
You can generate the hash of an arbitrary key as given on the OpenSSH Cookbook:
Retrieve the key:
- download the key with
ssh-keyscan >
- or: find the keys on the server in
Generate the hash:
- make sure you have only one line/type, so either delete all others in
or runssh-keyscan -t rsa >
ssh-keygen -l -f
(default hash, depending on OpenSSH version) -
ssh-keygen -l -f -E md5
(md5 on current OpenSSH) -
awk '{print $2}' | base64 -d | sha256sum -b | awk '{print $1}' | xxd -r -p | base64
(sha256 on old OpenSSH) - (You might need to start the line with
awk '{print $3}'
for newer versions of ssh-keyscan because the format changed)
Solution 2:
Just created small bash script which will print table with fingerprints for all key ciphers allowed on server (according to /etc/ssh/sshd_config
) in both SSH-256
and MD5
algo. Here is an example output:
| Cipher | Algo | Fingerprint |
| RSA | MD5 | MD5:15:66:80:fd:79:d8:c0:92:e8:39:4a:bc:4e:c4:00:15 |
| RSA | SHA-256 | SHA256:G+rKuLGk+8Z1oxUV3cox0baNsH0qGQWm/saWPr4qZMM |
| ECDSA | MD5 | MD5:f5:90:5c:03:2e:38:1b:c9:86:bd:86:47:5d:22:79:17 |
| ECDSA | SHA-256 | SHA256:GGmuOzsG4EGeRV9KD1WK7tRf3nIc40k/5jRgbTZDpTo |
| ED25519 | MD5 | MD5:d1:5a:04:56:37:f4:75:19:22:e6:e5:d7:41:fd:79:fa |
| ED25519 | SHA-256 | SHA256:QVdqYeVzvsP4n5yjuN3D2fu8hDhskOxQCQAV5f9QK7w |
+---[RSA 2048]----+ +---[RSA 2048]----+ +---[ECDSA 256]---+ +---[ECDSA 256]---+ +--[ED25519 256]--+ +--[ED25519 256]--+
|.oE. +.++ | | .o+= | | ... Eoo | | .. o.o.. .| | ooo++o.+*| | .o++o. +oo |
| . o +oo. | | .o= = | | +.=.=.o . | | . .o *.. ..| | . oo.+o.o=| | ...o.+ |
| + . . o.= | | ... X + | | . X.o.* | |o o ++o .. | | . o. ...+| | ..oo.o . |
| = + .+ o | | .. = + o | | + = o o | |.+ .o.o .o | | + ..o| | =oo .+ |
| o o .S . | | . .S o o | | . = S . | |... oo.S .E* * | | S ..| | .SO . . |
| + | | . E. =o.. | | o | | .. o. . o *.O o| | . | | o B .o.. |
| o | | .o. *.o. *. | | | | ... . o * * | | . | | E *..=.o|
| . | | oo=... +. | | | | +. o + o| | E| | . +.+B+|
| | |o+=.o....o+o | | | | .o+ . | | | | o.ooOX|
+------[MD5]------+ +----[SHA256]-----+ +------[MD5]------+ +----[SHA256]-----+ +------[MD5]------+ +----[SHA256]-----+
Script will run also on servers with SSH
version below 6.8
(before -E md5
option was added).
Edit: Updated versions for even more recent versions of SSH which switched default ciphers now with ASCII images support.
# server_ssh_fingerprints
# Version 0.2
# 2016 Kepi <[email protected]
# MIT License
# Print fingerprint matrix for all allowed Host Keys
# with all allowed ciphers and MD5 and SHA-256 algos
# Changelog:
# 2018-03-11 (0.2):
# - Support for newer versions of OpenSSH
# - Added visual keys for all algos too - only in recent OpenSSH versions
# standard sshd config path
# helper functions
function tablize {
awk '{printf(" | %-7s | %-7s | %-51s |\n", $1, $2, $3)}'
LINE=" +---------+---------+-----------------------------------------------------+"
# header
echo "$LINE"
echo "Cipher" "Algo" "Fingerprint" | tablize
echo "$LINE"
declare -A ALGOS
declare -a ASCII
# fingerprints
while read -r host_key; do
cipher=$(echo "$host_key" | sed -r 's/^.*ssh_host_([^_]+)_key\.pub$/\1/'| tr 'a-z' 'A-Z')
if [[ -f "$host_key" ]]; then
if ssh-keygen -E md5 -l -f "$host_key" &>/dev/null; then
for algo in md5 sha256; do
for line in $(ssh-keygen -E $algo -lv -f "$host_key"); do
n=$(( n + 1))
if [[ $n -eq 1 ]]; then
ALGOS[$algo]=$(echo "$line" | awk '{print $2}')
ASCII[$n]="${ASCII[$n]} ${line}"
ALGOS[md5]=$(ssh-keygen -l -f "$host_key" | awk '{print $2}')
ALGOS[sha256]=$(awk '{print $2}' "$host_key" | base64 -d | sha256sum -b | awk '{print $1}' | xxd -r -p | base64)
echo "$cipher" MD5 "${ALGOS[md5]}" | tablize
echo "$cipher" SHA-256 "${ALGOS[sha256]}" | tablize
echo "$LINE"
done < <(awk '/^HostKey/ {sub(/^HostKey\s+/,"");print $0".pub"};' $SSHD_CONFIG)
for line in "${ASCII[@]}"; do
echo "$line"
This is just pretty print using information from JonnyJD
's answer. Thanks.
Solution 3:
it turns out ssh-keygen (sometime after version 6.6; presumably 6.8) has a -E md5
option which will cause it to print out the fingerprint as an md5 fingerprint. So, if you can independently grab the public key file of the server, you can feed it to ssh-keygen -E md5 -l -f
and get your familiar fingerprint.
Solution 4:
The following one-liner works (at least) on Ubuntu 16.04,18.04 / Centos >= 7
(Tested with servers: openssh 3.9
- openssh 7.4
ssh-keygen -l -E md5 -f <(ssh-keyscan -t rsa \
| awk '{print $2}' | cut -d":" -f 2-
# SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_5.3
Solution 5:
tried to modify to get also random art into table:
# standard sshd config path
# helper functions
function tablize {
awk '{printf("| %-7s | %-51s |\n", $1, $3)}'
# header
echo $LINE
echo "Cipher" "Fingerprint" "Fingerprint" | tablize
echo $LINE
# fingerprints
for host_key in $(awk '/^HostKey/ {sub(/^HostKey\s+/,"");print $0".pub"};' $SSHD_CONFIG); do
cipher=$(echo $host_key | sed -r 's/^.*ssh_host_([^_]+)_key\.pub$/\1/'| tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]')
if [[ -f "$host_key" ]]; then
md5=$(ssh-keygen -l -f $host_key -E md5 | awk '{print $2}')
sha256=$(ssh-keygen -l -f $host_key | awk '{print $2}')
art_sha256=$(ssh-keygen -lv -f $host_key | grep -v -w "256 SHA256" | grep -v -w "1024 SHA256" | grep -v -w "2048 SHA256")
art_md5=$(ssh-keygen -lv -f $host_key -E md5 | grep -v "256 MD5" | grep -v "1024 MD5" | grep -v "2048 MD5")
echo $cipher MD5 $md5 | tablize
echo $cipher SHA-256 $sha256 | tablize
echo $art_sha256 | tablize
echo $art_md5 | tablize
echo $LINE
... but I'm not a programmer actually and the script does not work as expected. Would appreciate if anyone can help to fix (also cleanup). There would be nice to have sha256 and md5 random art images side by side to use space more efficiently. I modified also md5 and sha256 commands as the original ones did not work for me (probably too new system) - only sha256 appreared into table with "=" sign in the end which was not part of actual fingerprint and could not remove it.
(sorry I could not comment as I registered recently)