Xcode build warning - Target Integrity - Provisioning profile is expiring only for the ProjectnameTests Target

All my apps that i've created so far do this. It does nothing to the app or being able to run it but it's just annoying always having that 1 warning.

I'm Using Xcode 4.2 OSX 10.7.3

This is the actual warning:

-Target Integrity Provisioning profile is expiring

Here's an image of it just so I don't have to try and explain. (Edited it and put 'Project' where my actual project name was for privacy)

enter image description here

Thanks for any help!

I had the same issue.

Worked out in the end it was Xcode warning about some expired profiles generally - not ones specifically linked to the current project.

To fix I went to Organizer/ Devices Tab and under Library select Provisioning Profiles

I had two profiles in the list that had expired - I didn't need them so I just right clicked and deleted them.

Warning then went away.

This is a bit different with Xcode 5 now when working with Teams ...

I go the same warning of an expiring old profile which didn't exist anymore - but it still did exist in the local Account setting for the connected team in Xcode (Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> <team account in question> -> View Details). So I just did a refresh on these profiles, and yes, the warning was gone.

Unfortunately there are many more expired profiles for other apps in this team account which I just synched into my local Account setting (and I can't just remove them, as it's a client's account ..) - and now Xcode complains about all of them being expired. Guess you should be happy with what you got sometimes, it can get worse ...

I got the same warning on my old project today.

I tried this, and the warning went away.

At 'Build Settings' -> 'Code Signing Identity', Choose 'Automatic Profile selector'.

For Xcode 6 you need to:

  1. go to the Preferences (Cmd + ,)
  2. Accounts
  3. choose your account
  4. choose your team
  5. Click view details
  6. Choose provisioning profile from warning
  7. right click (show in Finder)
  8. remove from Finder

Now the warning should disappear or you will need to repeat above steps for another warning

I deleted all the provisioning profile from

cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/

and it's gone.

You can use this shell script the get the names of the provisioning profiles