Access dict key and return None if doesn't exist

Python will throw a KeyError if the key doesn't exist in the dictionary so you can't write your code in quite the same way as your JavaScript. However, if you are operating specifically with dicts as in your example, there is a very nice function mydict.get('key', default) which attempts to get the key from the dictionary and returns the default value if the key doesn't exist.

If you just want to default to be None you don't need to explicitly pass the second argument.

Depending on what your dict contains and how often you expect to access unset keys, you may also be interested in using the defaultdict from the collections package. This takes a factory and uses it to return new values from the __missing__ magic method whenever you access a key that hasn't otherwise been explicitly set. It's particularly useful if your dict is expected to contain only one type.

from collections import defaultdict

foo = defaultdict(list)
bar = foo["unset"]
# bar is now a new empty list

N.B. the docs (for 2.7.13) claim that if you don't pass an argument to defaultdict it'll return None for unset keys. When I tried it (on 2.7.10, it's just what I happened to have installed), that didn't work and I received a KeyError. YMMV. Alternatively, you can just use a lambda: defaultdict(lambda: None)

You are looking for the get() method of dict.

my_var = some_var.get('some_key')

The get() method will return the value associated with 'some_key', if such a value exists. If the key is not present, then None will be returned.

The great thing about the .get() method is you can actually define a value to return in case the key doesn't exist.

my_dict = { 1: 'one', 2: 'two' }
print my_dict.get(3, 'Undefined key')

would print.

Undefined key

This is very helpful not only for debugging purposes, but also when parsing json (in my experience, at least), and you should prefer using get() over [] as much as possible.

Assuming some_var is a dictionary, you need dict.get():

my_var = some_var.get('my_key')

This result defaults to None if my_key is missing, but you can supply a different default:

my_var = some_var.get('my_key', default)

In python "|" is translated to "or", so:

my_var = some_var or None


You've edited your initial post. The correct way to do what you want is:

my_var = some_var.get('my_key', None)