How do I set the default RSS reader in Safari 6 on Mountain Lion

With Mountain Lion and Safari 6, there is no built in RSS reader and Safari prompts you to find and install one from the Mac App Store if you don't have one.

So I installed a few different RSS readers. Now when I click on bookmarks to RSS feeds from Safari, it opens the last RSS reader I installed.

My question is, how do I change Safari's default RSS reader from being the last one I installed to the one I choose? I'd prefer a direct system setting than having to install another plug-in or utility (I don't use extensions in Safari).

Solution 1:

Further research yields this solution to the problem:

RC Default App is a (free) preference pane install that allows you to easily change what types of media are opened by which application. Although it has not been updated in a while it still works on Mountain Lion.

I think this will solve your problem. I've tested it on my own Mac.