How to prevent form from submitting multiple times from client side?

Sometimes when the response is slow, one might click the submit button multiple times.

How to prevent this from happening?

Solution 1:

Use unobtrusive javascript to disable the submit event on the form after it has already been submitted. Here is an example using jQuery.

EDIT: Fixed issue with submitting a form without clicking the submit button. Thanks, ichiban.

$("body").on("submit", "form", function() {
    $(this).submit(function() {
        return false;
    return true;

Solution 2:

I tried vanstee's solution along with asp mvc 3 unobtrusive validation, and if client validation fails, code is still run, and form submit is disabled for good. I'm not able to resubmit after correcting fields. (see bjan's comment)

So I modified vanstee's script like this:

$("form").submit(function () {
    if ($(this).valid()) {
        $(this).submit(function () {
            return false;
        return true;
    else {
        return false;

Solution 3:

Client side form submission control can be achieved quite elegantly by having the onsubmit handler hide the submit button and replace it with a loading animation. That way the user gets immediate visual feedback in the same spot where his action (the click) happened. At the same time you prevent the form from being submitted another time.

If you submit the form via XHR keep in mind that you also have to handle submission errors, for example a timeout. You would have to display the submit button again because the user needs to resubmit the form.

On another note, llimllib brings up a very valid point. All form validation must happen server side. This includes multiple submission checks. Never trust the client! This is not only a case if javascript is disabled. You must keep in mind that all client side code can be modified. It is somewhat difficult to imagine but the html/javascript talking to your server is not necessarily the html/javascript you have written.

As llimllib suggests, generate the form with an identifier that is unique for that form and put it in a hidden input field. Store that identifier. When receiving form data only process it when the identifier matches. (Also linking the identifier to the users session and match that, as well, for extra security.) After the data processing delete the identifier.

Of course, once in a while, you'd need to clean up the identifiers for which never any form data was submitted. But most probably your website already employs some sort of "garbage collection" mechanism.

Solution 4:

Here's simple way to do that:

<form onsubmit="return checkBeforeSubmit()">
  some input:<input type="text">
  <input type="submit" value="submit" />

<script type="text/javascript">
  var wasSubmitted = false;    
    function checkBeforeSubmit(){
      if(!wasSubmitted) {
        wasSubmitted = true;
        return wasSubmitted;
      return false;