How do you win a Global Game Awards Grand Prize in Game Dev Story?

I've played Game Dev Story for iPhone for quite a while now, and winning a GGA Grand Prize seems to be quite difficult. So far, I've only won one, despite high (36+) review scores on many games.

The one time I won the Grand Prize, I released 4 Hall of Fame level games that year, and ended up winning Best Design, Best Sound, Runner Up, and Grand Prize. Is this the only way to win the Grand Prize?

Review scores don't seem to affect your chances; only the game's stats. Also possibly the game's combination, but you should never make a game that doesn't have an "Amazing" combination (more $!). I'm not sure whether or not creativity has a bigger influence on your Grand Prize chances than the other stats. Also, review scores don't mean anything anyway. If you save your game right before you kill the last bug, and you get a review score of 37, restart the app. You might get a review score of 36. Restart again, you might get a review score of 40.

Make a really really good game! It's got to do with lucky but hire as many hackers as you can, choose a "Creative" or "Amazing!" combination. Make sure you use some pretty high stats people to create the game. Also promoting it while in development helps!

I've won that 5 times so far, here is my combination, hope this helps - Dance + Motion - Music + Drum - Adventure + cowboy - Online RPG + Hunting - Online RPG + Historical

Dont know what exactly makes the Grand Prize, but all these games getting review score > 37 and sell more than 40,000,000 copies.

It's very easy. All you got to do is get a score of 33 or more and then name it gamedevstory.