How do I find and view a TFS changeset by comment text?

If you have TFS Power Tools installed, you can run this in a command prompt:

tfpt searchcs

to get a GUI window with options to search by committer and comment text. I'm using TFS Power Tools (March 2011 version) and TFS 2010.

EASY WAY and no 3rd party apps/add-ons needed:

  1. Open Source Control Explorer
  2. "View History" from the root of TFS server
  3. Scroll to the bottom (it's fast with hitting "End" button continuously)
  4. Select all records, copy
  5. Open Excel and paste

Now the Excel will allow you to search through comments (Excel's a native app, don't argue..).

With the Power Tools installed:

tf history $/ -r | ? { $_.comment -like '*findme*' }