Use of Iframe or Object tag to embed web pages in another

The IFRAME element is part of the upcoming HTML5 standard. Also, HTML5 is developed by the major browser vendors out there (Mozilla, Opera, Safari, IE), that basically makes a guarantee that we will have an IFRAME element in the foreseeable future. Some of them have support for some HTML5 elements already, like AUDIO and VIDEO and some new JavaScript APIs.

It's also true that the OBJECT element is in the draft, but that's because IFRAME and OBJECT will have different purposes. IFRAMES are mainly designed for sandboxing web applications.

So, my advise is to use IFRAME instead of OBJECT.

If you are embedding a HTML page, here is one noticeable difference between iframe and object:

  • with iframe updating src will change the browser history (adding a new entry)
  • with object updating data will not change the browser history

Also it seems like drag&drop does not work if the page is embedded in the object tag, but works in the iframe tag. I noticed it personally using react-draggable, and I can see someone had the same issue (

IFRAMEs are not part of the XHTML 1.0 Strict DTD. They are totally valid in in HTML 4 and XHTML 1.0 Transitional, I believe. For these reasons alone, IFRAME will continue to be supported for a long time.

A lot of bookmarklets and analytics code still use IFRAMEs.

Although the W3C specs may indicate that the IFRAME tag is being deprecated, (in XHTML at least anyway), browser developers do not necessarily follow exactly what those specs say (IE6 anyone?)

As use of IFRAMEs is so prevalent at the moment, and the W3C can't seem to decide if they are part of the future or not (HTML 4.01 vs XHTML), I am pretty sure they are the safer implementation to use for almost every browser.