Using both nvidia and amd gpu in the same machine

Hi im using a 980ti in slot 1 and a amd 280x in slot 4. I want to use them both for mining. I have installed the nvidia drivers and everything is working. But when I installed the amd drivers and rebooted my computer is stuck at screen flickering. So after a couple of tries to get it to work I just reinstalled ubuntu and am now back at square 1.

Solution 1:

This may help, I'm not sure, take a look at this:

  • Load both drivers with modprobe module-name
  • Get the ID for each amd-device and nvidia-device with lspci -nn
  • Bind the driver you wish to each device ID with:

    echo -n "amd-device-ID" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/[amd-driver]/bind

    echo -n "nvidia-device-ID" > /sys/bus/pci/drivers/[nvidia-driver]/bind