native FAF on ubuntu (QtWebKit on ubuntu 17.04+)

I'm trying to run FAF (natively) in conjunction with FA (through wine)

(due to the views this post receives and to how much the methods have updated I've decided to update this question for it to answer as well as ask. check revision history of this post for the process to finding the old method to run the python client and the old guides)

Beta-state Java Client :

enter image description here

use this script : (updated 3/12/2019)

Python client : (NOW OBSOLETE)

working FAF

How to: compile this python app (FAF) from source :

up and running thanks to @edwinksl 's "Python 3 with PyQt5" guide. marked him as solution. good job!

Update (31/1/2018)

Sorry I took so long to update this post. it's gotten 7000 views! it really deserves up-to-date info.

Since I asked a lot has happened. FAF now has more or less linux support. they even have a wiki to installing it (and per distro!) :

it's not guaranteed to fit your needs, more can be found by digging in :

right now the wiki isn't all that up to date.

for awhile I could get faf to run with native python, no virtualenv needed but QT's aver changing dependencies and package composition as well as the FAF usage of them has broken that again ... temporarily I hope !

rest assured I've got it running personally and I'm here to offer solace (try skipping steps 6 & 7 first they may be unneeded ):

  1. Install some prerequisites : sudo apt update && sudo apt install wget PyQt5.QtMultimedia python3-idna python3-semantic-version python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine
  2. cd Downloads && wget (or whichever release is latest at )
  3. extract (for this example I'll extract to home) (cd Downloads/ && mv client-0.16.1.tar.gz ~/ && cd && tar -zxf client-0.16.1.tar.gz && mv client-0.16.1 faf-client && rm client-0.16.1.tar.gz)
  4. cd fafclient/ : move to the working dirrectory
  5. sed -i 1,1d requirements.txt : removes cxFreeze from the requirements (it's not required and it will kill compile)
  6. virtualenv -p python3 faf
  7. pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. sudo wget -O /usr/bin/faf-uid : downloads login binary and : sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/faf-uid allows it to be executed by faf.
  9. touch res/RELEASE-VERSION && echo "0.16.1" >> res/RELEASE-VERSION : fulfills faf's final requirement : a release version file.

now it should run but for the heck of it let's make a runner :

echo "#! /bin/bash" >>
echo "cd /home/t/faf-client" >>
echo "python3 src/" >>
chmod +x

then ./ to run FAF.


Solution 1:

Note: the steps for Python 3 with PyQt5 are proven to work while the steps for Python 2 with PyQt4 and PySide are still experimental.

Python 3 with PyQt5 (proven to work)

It appears that the 474-feature-py3 branch of the FAForever/client GitHub repository uses Python 3 with PyQt5, which contains QtWebKit. Therefore, using this branch is the most straightforward solution. Note that PyQt5 (but not PyQt4) can in fact be installed with pip, so that makes things way more convenient.

Steps for Python 3 with PyQt5:

  1. cd into a directory of your choice, which will be ~/Desktop/temp for the purpose of writing this answer, git clone the FAForever/client GitHub repository and git checkout the 474-feature-py3 branch:

    mkdir ~/Desktop/temp
    cd ~/Desktop/temp
    git clone faf-client
    cd faf-client
    git checkout 474-feature-py3
  2. Create and activate a virtualenv for Python 3 (the default is Python 3.5 for Ubuntu 17.04) and force-upgrade pip just to make sure it is up-to-date:

    virtualenv venv -p python3  # replace python3 with python3.6 if you want to use Python 3.6 instead
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
  3. Use pip to install PyQt5 and from requirements.txt:

    pip install PyQt5
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Download the faf-uid binary into faf-client/lib and make it executable:

    wget -O lib/faf-uid
    chmod +x lib/faf-uid
  5. Run python on src/

    python src/

Python 2 with PyQt4 and PySide (experimental)

It looks like I may have figured out how to import the QtWebKit module, but I don't have the FAF game installed, so I cannot fully verify that this works and therefore this answer is a work in progress.

In a nutshell, I used apt to install python-qt4, which does not have the QtWebKit module. I created and activated a virtualenv without using the --system-site-packages option and used pip to install PySide, which does have the QtWebKit module. I then symlinked the appropriate system libraries and files for PyQt4 into the virtualenv. Then I made a couple of changes to faf-client/src to import the QtWebKit module from PySide. This solution is inspired by, and


  1. Install python-qt4:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install python-qt4
  2. cd into a directory of your choice, which will be ~/Desktop/temp for the purpose of writing this answer, git clone my version of the repository and git checkout the patch branch:

    mkdir ~/Desktop/temp
    cd ~/Desktop/temp
    git clone faf-client
    cd faf-client
    git checkout patch

    This patch branch has several additional commits compared to the default develop branch: 1) it gets rid of the version specification for cx_Freeze, which was giving me installation problems if I used the 4.3.4 version previously specified, and 2) it imports QtWebKit from PySide instead of PyQt4.

  3. Create and activate a virtualenv for Python 2 and force-upgrade pip just to make sure it is up-to-date:

    virtualenv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -U --force-reinstall pip
  4. Use pip to install PySide and from requirements.txt:

    pip install PySide
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  5. Download the faf-uid binary into faf-client/lib and make it executable:

    wget -O lib/faf-uid
    chmod +x lib/faf-uid
  6. cd to the site-packages directory inside the virtualenv and make appropriate symlinks:

    cd venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/PyQt4/ .
    ln -s /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ .

    Note the . at the end of each symlink.

  7. cd back to faf-client and run python on src/

    cd -  # this goes back to previous directory, which should be ~/Desktop/temp/faf-client
    python src/

Solution 2:

Check ~/.bashrc for Python version override

The package you are wanting to compile requires Python version 2.7.x. Confirm that with these commands:

$ python
Python 2.7.12 (default, Nov 19 2016, 06:48:10) 
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import PyQt4
>>> print PyQt4.__path__

That was the problem in this Q&A.

You are not alone with linux error PyQt4 import QtWebKit google search:

  • ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4.QtWebKit'
  • cannot run spyder / ImportError: No module named QtWebKit #3200
  • ImportError: No module named 'PyQt4.QtWebKit' #1683
  • Some PyQt4 applications fail to start in Yakkety due to missing PyQt4-WebKit
  • Python cannot import specific PyQt4 QtWebKit modules
  • Python 2.7.11 - ImportError: cannot import name QtWebKit - Kali Linux / Debian 8
  • PyQt4: Why I get “ImportError: No module named QtWebkit”?

Unfortunately there are alot more google results but these I believe are the most pertinent for you to read if the first recommendation doesn't pan out.