How to install fiddler on Ubuntu

Solution 1:

First things first:

  1. Install mono:

     sudo apt install mono-complete
  2. Download fiddler for Linux by clicking here and extract it.

  3. Then with mono installed run it with from the extracted directory:

     mono Fiddler.exe
  4. Or run with mono /path/to/extracted/fiddler/Fiddler.exe

enter image description here



The fiddler can be gotten from here and installed using the following commands:

  1. chmod a+x progress-telerik-fiddler.AppImage, to make the installer executable, and,

  2. ./progress-telerik-fiddler.AppImage: to install the fiddler.

Solution 2:

To install Fiddler on Ubuntu, use this link Fiddler Everywhere. You will be directed to download the AppImage file. Once the AppImage file is downloaded, the only thing you require is to make it executable by changing its permissions (Right-click on the file and selected properties. On the permissions tab, select Allow executing the file as program). To run the application, right-click on the file and select Run.