What is a good word to describe someone who is empathetic, quick, and witty in conversation

Solution 1:

You are looking for many qualities at the same time that have nothing to do with each other. I suggest simply using conversationalist for someone good at talking to others.

Solution 2:

I would call this person simply a wit. I think the term includes all of the things you mentioned.

The Wordnik entry for wit includes these definitions (bold emphasis mine):

n. The natural ability to perceive and understand; intelligence.

n. Keenness and quickness of perception or discernment; ingenuity. Often used in the plural: living by one's wits.

n. Sound mental faculties; sanity: scared out of my wits.

n. The ability to perceive and express in an ingeniously humorous manner the relationship between seemingly incongruous or disparate things.

n. One noted for this ability, especially one skilled in repartee.

n. A person of exceptional intelligence.

Solution 3:

The closest word I can think of is warm, which can be used as an adjective to express many emotions close to the ones you mention, particularly empathy. Here is a complilation of meanings taken from three different dictionaries:

warm (adj.) 2 kind and friendly in a way that makes other people feel comfortable : a warm smile 3 marked by strong feeling; ardent 3b marked by excitement, disagreement, or anger : a warm argument 4 marked by or readily showing affection, gratitude, cordiality, or sympathy 5 marked by enthusiasm; ardent: warm support 6 characterized by liveliness, excitement, or disagreement; heated: a warm debate 7 marked by or revealing friendliness or sincerity; cordial: warm greetings

One potential problem you'd have is that a reader or listener might interpret the single word to mean cordial, or empathetic, or strongly emotional, or confrontational in conversation, but not necessarily all of those at once, which is what you want. So, you'd have to be sure that the surrounding context made it abundantly clear than any and all of those nuances of the word could be applied in your single usage.

Solution 4:

'Gregarious' and 'convivial' both describe warmly sociable types. I think this is the closest you're gonna get in English, although they don't imply wit as precisely as you want.