Show that the equation $a_1e^{\alpha_1x} + a_2e^{\alpha_2x} + \cdots + a_ne^{\alpha_nx} = 0$ has at most $n - 1$ real roots.

Hints: Between any two roots of $f(x)$, there lies a root of $f'(x)$ by Rolle's theorem.

Now, we shall use induction and the above fact to do your question.

For $n=1$- no real root.

Let's consider $n=2$ in detail for the idea of the general case.


Let $g(x)=e^{-\alpha_1x}f(x)=a_1+a_2e^{(\alpha_1-\alpha_2)x}$. What's $g'(x)?$ How many real roots does $g'(x)$ have? (answer: $0$ real roots). So, $g(x)$ can have at most one real root- which means $f$ can have at most one real root.

Now, use induction for the general case after considering $g(x)=a_1e^{-\alpha_1x}f(x)$. (Note that the real roots of $f$ and $g$ coincide.)