jQuery - How to select by attribute

Solution 1:

Here’s how to select all those elements:


Since true is a valid unquoted attribute value in CSS, you could even omit the quotes:


If you care about valid HTML you should consider using a custom data-* attribute instead though.

<input id="b_1" type="submit" disabled_onclick="true">
<!-- …becomes… -->
<input id="b_1" type="submit" data-disabled-onclick="true">

That way it’s valid HTML, and you’ll still be able to select it as follows:


Solution 2:

try this


Solution 3:


See http://api.jquery.com/attribute-equals-selector/

In the above line, you'd only query for input nodes, you can omit the input which would then query over all nodes in your entire markup (which is probably kind of slow'ish).
