Android-Is it possible to add a clickable link into a string resource

I usually set up some kind of AlertDialog to fire off when a user first uses one of my apps and I explain how to use the app and give an overall introduction to what they just downloaded. I also usually load my strings from a strings.xml file.

What I want to do is make one of the words in my string resource clickable like a hyperlink on a web page. Basically you'd have an AlertDialog and within the string resource there would be a highlighted word or possibly just a web address that they could press. I suppose I could just add a button that would take them to the site but I just wanted to know if making a word in your string resource a clickable hyperlink was possible.

Just use an HTML format link in your resource:

<string name="my_link"><a href="">Click me!</a></string>

You can then use setMovementMethod(LinkMovementMethod.getInstance()) on your TextView to make the link clickable.

There is also TextView's android:autoLink attribute which should also work.

I found something interesting. Let me know if any of you observed this.

Below hyperlink is not working if you use


but works with

TextView link = (TextView) findViewById(;

<string name="my_link">
    <a href="">
        Click me!

but if you use the following link it works with both

android:autoLink="web" (or)
TextView link = (TextView) findViewById(;

<string name="my_link">
    <a href="">