Converting a String to DateTime

How do you convert a string such as 2009-05-08 14:40:52,531 into a DateTime?

Since you are handling 24-hour based time and you have a comma separating the seconds fraction, I recommend that you specify a custom format:

DateTime myDate = DateTime.ParseExact("2009-05-08 14:40:52,531", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,fff",

You have basically two options for this. DateTime.Parse() and DateTime.ParseExact().

The first is very forgiving in terms of syntax and will parse dates in many different formats. It is good for user input which may come in different formats.

ParseExact will allow you to specify the exact format of your date string to use for parsing. It is good to use this if your string is always in the same format. This way, you can easily detect any deviations from the expected data.

You can parse user input like this:

DateTime enteredDate = DateTime.Parse(enteredString);

If you have a specific format for the string, you should use the other method:

DateTime loadedDate = DateTime.ParseExact(loadedString, "d", null);

"d" stands for the short date pattern (see MSDN for more info) and null specifies that the current culture should be used for parsing the string.