Does any other language other than JavaScript have a difference between brace start locations (same line and next line)?

Today, while I was randomly reading the JavaScript patterns O'Reilly book, I found one interesting thing (page 27 for reference).

In Javascript, in some cases, there is a difference if the brace start location is different.

function test_function1() {
        name: 'rajat'

var obj = test_function1();
alert(obj);  //Shows "undefined"


function test_function2() {
    return {
        name: 'rajat'

var obj = test_function2();
alert(obj); //Shows object

JSfiddle Demo

Does any other language out there have such behavior? If so, then I would have to change my habit for sure..:)

I am mainly concerned about PHP, C, C++, Java, and ruby.

Any language that doesn’t rely on semicolons (but instead on newlines) to delimit statements potentially allows this. Consider Python:

>>> def foo():
...   return
...   { 1: 2 }
>>> def bar():
...   return { 1: 2 }
>>> foo()
>>> bar()
{1: 2}

You might be able to construct a similar case in Visual Basic but off the top of my head I can’t figure out how because VB is pretty restrictive in where values may be placed. But the following should work, unless the static analyser complains about unreachable code:

    Throw New Exception()
Catch ex As Exception
    Throw ex.GetBaseException()
End Try

' versus

    Throw New Exception()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

From the languages you mentioned, Ruby has the same property. PHP, C, C++ and Java do not simply because they discard newline as whitespace, and require semicolons to delimit statements.

Here’s the equivalent code from the Python example in Ruby:

>> def foo
>>   return { 1 => 2 }
>> end
=> nil
>> def bar
>>   return
>>   { 1 => 2 }
>> end
=> nil
>> foo
=> {1=>2}
>> bar
=> nil

The JavaScript interpreter automatically adds a ; at the end of each line if it doesn't find one (with some exceptions, not getting into them here :).

So basically the issue is not the braces' location (which here represent an object literal, not a code block as in most languages), but this little "feature" that forces your first example to return ; => undefined. You can check out the behavior of return in the ES5 spec.

For other languages that have similar behavior, check out Konrad's answer.

Most certainly. Google's go programming language exhibits a very similar behavior (albeit with different effects). As explained there:

In fact, what happens is that the formal language uses semicolons, much as in C or Java, but they are inserted automatically at the end of every line that looks like the end of a statement. You don't need to type them yourself.


This approach makes for clean-looking, semicolon-free code. The one surprise is that it's important to put the opening brace of a construct such as an if statement on the same line as the if; if you don't, there are situations that may not compile or may give the wrong result. The language forces the brace style to some extent.

Secretly, I think Rob Pike just wanted an excuse to require the One True Brace Style.

The answer to that question is fairly easy. Any language that has "automatic semicolon insertion" might be in trouble on that line. The problem with this

     name: 'rajat'
}; that the js engine will insert a semicolon after the return; statement (and therefore, return undefined). This example is a good reason to open curly brackets always on the right side and never on the left side also. Since you already correctly noticed, if there is a curly bracket in the same line, the interpretator will notice that and can't insert a semicolon.