Which Mass Effect 2 DLCs are relevant for Mass Effect 3's story?

I'm just playing through Mass Effect 2 for the first time and loving it, and I was wondering which of the (tons and tons) of DLC for ME2 might actually be relevant for Mass Effect 3's story?

I understand that the SHADOW BROKER DLC was designed to be played at the end of ME2, with an eye for setting things up for ME3.

Is this true, and are there any other DLCs that are relevant for ME3?

Kasumi, Zaeed, Shadowbroker, Overlord, and Arrival all tie into Mass Effect 3.

The character DLC Kasumi and Zaeed, introduce new characters that have minor story arcs in the 3rd installment, with multiple outcomes based on decisions taken in Mass Effect 2.

The Shadowbroker, Overlord, and Arrival DLCs include stories and events that are referenced in Mass Effect 3 to varying degrees.

Overlord contains a minor plot referenced in ME3, Arrival is essentially a prologue to ME3, and the Shadowbroker DLC also introduces story elements that explain a major plot point in ME3.

All the DLC's make up a large amount of content in Mass Effect 2 and will provide many additional hours of gameplay.