Kops / Kubernetes: No context set in kubecfg, name is required

Someone else in my org did the initial setup Kubernetes setup with Kops on AWS, so we already have the S3 bucket config and the cluster running.

My local env KOPS_STATE_STORE is pointing to the previously setup S3 bucket. The CLUSTER_NAME env is set to: [name].k8s.local since it's a gossip-based cluster.

I'm trying to get kops and kubectl setup locally to work with this pre-made cluster. I have AWS credentials setup, and when i run kops get cluster I see sitenamecom.k8s.local aws us-west-1a.

When I do kubectl config get-clusters or kubectl config get-contexts it prints nothing except blank columns.

When I do kops validate cluster it says: root.go:227] no context set in kubecfg --name is required

Solution 1:

I figured it out, had to run:

kops get clusters 

Next, set the KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME variable, if you haven't set it already

export KOPS_CLUSTER_NAME=<your_cluster_name>

To set the context just run

kops export kubecfg