Read-only partition, dual boot WIn10

I am no longer able to write on the data partition files in Ubuntu, due to a "read-only" message appearing.

I have 3 partitions: one has Ubuntu installed (1), one is for Win10 (2) (dual boot) and the 3rd (3) is for data storage.
Today I updated Win10 and I am no longer able to access the data storage (3) partition from Ubuntu. Usually this error appears when I access Ubuntu while Win10 is not shut down but hibernated. Instead this time the error appears even if Win10 is shut down!
I don't get what's going on. Any clue?

Solution 1:

The Windows 10 update reseted it to the default fast startup which is a form of hibernation.

You need to disable this feature (again, probably) in Windows and then shutdown, not reboot. Once done properly you'll be able to access the data partition normally with read/write permissions.

The location of Fast Boot option in windows10

Solution 2:

Open the terminal and write the command

sudo fdisk -l

It will show your file system

identify the partition you want permission for read and write

then type the command and give the partition name like this to your specific sda

sudo ntfsfix /dev/sda3

Solution 3:

You may encounter this filesystem error while in dual boot.

Sometimes the feature "Disable Fastboot" is prohibited to change by non-admin user by group policy restriction.

The below solution will help for all situations.

Login to windows, close all opened windows if any and execute following, from Run dialog

`shutdown /f /r /t 0`

/f Force running applications to close without forewarning users.

/r Full shutdown and restart the computer.

/t xxx Set the time-out period before shutdown to xxx seconds, here /t 0 for immediate shutdown.