Snap (snapd) hello-world example not working (path not found?)

I just tried to used snap for the first time and followed the tutorial Getting started | Snapcraft documentation.

I installed the hello world example sudo snap install hello but the hello command is not found. I noticed that the command is in /snap/bin but it seems that it missed it's way to my PATH.

When I installed snap (sudo apt install snapd) I got some error message the first time, but on the 2nd try it worked. (Removing and installing snapd did also not help.)

Do I have to add the path manually?

Any idea?


  • the shout irc web app did work immediately

Solution 1:

If you've just installed snapd, try starting a fresh terminal window to pick up the new $PATH. You'll only need to do this once.

If your shell doesn't read from /etc/profile.d you'll need to add PATH=$PATH:/snap/bin to your shell configuration (e.g. ~/.zshrc for zsh)

Solution 2:

If you are installing zsh then you can easily configure just open your terminal and type

sudo gedit /etc/zsh/zprofile

If you use vim, vscode or anything just add this instead of gedit. And then add these two lines.

emulate sh -c 'source /etc/profile'
emulate sh -c 'source /etc/profile.d/'

Then save it and close. Now time to restart your PC hopefully it will work.