Convert SQL to Linq left join with null

How can I convert properly this SQL to linq

select  t1.ProgramID
from Program t1 LEFT JOIN ProgramLocation t2 ON  t1.ProgramID = t2.ProgramID 
where t2.ProgramID IS NULL

I try that but it not working

var progy = (
             from u in db.ProgramLocations join b in db.Programs
             on u.ProgramID equals b.ProgramID into yG 
             from y1 in yG.DefaultIfEmpty() 
             where u.ProgramID == null
             where u.ProgramID == null 
             select u.ProgramID


You want to use .DefaultIfEmpty, as per this question.

var query = from p in Programs
            join pl in ProgramLocations
                on p.ProgramID equals pl.ProgramID into pp
            from pl in pp.DefaultIfEmpty()
            where pl == null
            select p;

Here's a full, working example with some mock data objects:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace LinqTest
    class LinqProgram
        public class Program
            public int ProgramID { get; set; }
            public string ProgramName { get; set; }

        public class ProgramLocation
            public int ProgramLocationID { get; set; }
            public int ProgramID { get; set; }
            public string ProgramLocationName { get; set; }

        public static List<Program> Programs = new List<Program>();
        public static List<ProgramLocation> ProgramLocations = new List<ProgramLocation>();

        static void Main(string[] args)

            var query = from p in Programs
                        join pl in ProgramLocations
                            on p.ProgramID equals pl.ProgramID into pp
                        from pl in pp.DefaultIfEmpty()
                        where pl == null
                        select p;

            foreach (var r in query)
                Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", r.ProgramID, r.ProgramName);


        private static void FillTestData()
            var p = new Program()
                ProgramID = Programs.Count + 1,
                ProgramName = "Scary Lesson"
            var pl = new ProgramLocation()
                ProgramLocationID = ProgramLocations.Count + 1,
                ProgramID = p.ProgramID,
                ProgramLocationName = "Haunted House"

            p = new Program()
                ProgramID = Programs.Count + 1,
                ProgramName = "Terrifying Teachings"

            pl = new ProgramLocation()
                ProgramLocationID = ProgramLocations.Count + 1,
                ProgramID = p.ProgramID,
                ProgramLocationName = "Mystical Mansion"

            p = new Program()
                ProgramID = Programs.Count + 1,
                ProgramName = "Unassociated Program"

Try this

  var progy = (
         from u in db.ProgramLocations join b in db.Programs
         on u.ProgramID equals b.ProgramID into yG 
         from y1 in yG.DefaultIfEmpty() 
         where y1 == null
         select u.ProgramID

You can check this post on MSDN.

Hope this works for you.