Solution 1:

The WebView has a bug in the padding implementation. Setting a padding on a webview won't pad the actual web page, but WILL pad the scrollbars. It's only partially working as expected. Your solution is the best way to achieve 'padding' for a WebView.

Solution 2:

Another workaround for this problem could be in javascript usage. So when your webpage is loaded you can do such js call to set paddings:

webView.setWebViewClient(new WebViewClient() {
    public void onPageFinished(WebView view, String url) {
        webView.loadUrl("\"8%\"; void 0");

Solution 3:

Alternative approach would be to set the WebView inside of a ScrollView

Then you can add left/right margin to the WebView and it will get the padding effect. The scrolling however will be handled by the ScrollView.

<ScrollView style="@style/MatchMatch">


This will cause the scrollbar to be placed outside of the WebView which is the behavior I wanted for my app.

Solution 4:

Just try to add this CSS:

<body style='margin:X;padding:X;'>

Solution 5:

@Sergii's code didn't work for me, but following does

mWebView.setWebViewClient(new mWebViewClient(){
        public void onPageFinished(WebView web, String url) {
            web.loadUrl("javascript:(function(){ = '55px'})();");

You can change paddingTop to paddingBottom, paddingRight, paddingLeft too. Change the 55pxvalue to whatever you desire. Additionally, enable JavaScript for your webview

  webView.settings.javaScriptEnabled = true