I am using Chrome 15 with Developer Tools to investigate HTTP POST requests. After sending a request, in the Network tab under Headers there is a section called Form Data. This section contains the post data nicely formatted. However: How do I get the source of the post data, i.e. the body of the request?

Currently, I use Firefox with Firebug to get that data, or I reconstruct the source from the formatted Form Data. Cumbersome...

Solution 1:

Chrome 29–56, and possibly beyond

Finally (maybe already with version 28), it's simple. Just click on view source next to Form Data:

DevTools screen shot

Also, at least in version 56, post data may be found in the Headers tab, under Request Payload.

Older versions

  • Chrome 27

    1. Right click in the Name/Path panel in the Network tab.

    2. Select: Copy all as HAR

    3. In the Console, write har=, then paste the HAR, and hit return.

    4. Count from the top the position of the request you are interested, starting at 0. Store the position in: pos

    5. To get the post data source, execute: har.log.entries[pos].request.postData.text

  • even older:

    1. Right click on the Name/Path of the entry in the Network tab.

    2. Select: Copy entry as HAR

    3. In the Console, write har=, then paste the HAR, and hit return.

    4. To get the post data source, execute: har.request.postData.text

If there is a simpler way, I am happy to hear about it!

Solution 2:

it's easier if you:

  1. go to Network
  2. click the entry you want to see the post for
  3. click on the headers tab
  4. scroll down to Form Data