How to allow standard, non-admin, Active Directory users access to Docker without making them sudoers?

I have a compute server with users that authenticate over AD.

I want these users to be able to use Docker without making them sudoers.

The official advice is to add users to the docker group, as "[w]hen the docker daemon starts, it makes the ownership of the Unix socket read/writable by the docker group." So users belonging to the group docker won't need to run commands with sudo.

I can't add an AD user to a local group though.

How can I let them use Docker CE as non-root without creating local accounts?

add your user to docker group explicitly in /etc/group and specify the group in /etc/docker/daemon.json




  "live-restore": true,
  "group": "docker"

restart docker daemon

Hi There to complement what Louis said on Ubuntu I ran: visudo and added the

Dockeruser ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker

This way the user Dockeruser can run docker with sudo without even having to reenter the password:

Dockeruser@dockerserver:~# sudo docker ps