How do I deauthorize all computers on iTunes?

In older versions of iTunes (for Windows at least), there used to be a way to Deauthorize all computers associated with an account.

Now it appears the only option in 10 ( is to Deauthorize this computer... and removes only the one I'm on. Has the option to Deauthorize All disappeared or has it been moved somewhere else?

My reason behind needing this: One of the authorized computers had a hard drive failure and I just wanted to clean up the computers I have authorized.

Solution 1:

From this Apple Support article you can do it from your account.

If you find you have reached 5 authorizations, you can reset your authorization count by clicking Deauthorize All in the Account Information screen.

The process works as follows

  • Click iTunes Store in the menu on the left side of iTunes.
  • If you're not signed in to the store, click the Account button, then enter your account name and password.
  • Click the Account button again (your ID appears on the button), enter your password, and then click View Account.
  • In the Account Information window, click Deauthorize All.

iTunes De-Authorize

Also note the following:

You may only use this feature once per year. The Deauthorize All button will not appear if you have fewer than 5 authorized computers, or if you have used this option within the last 12 months. If you need assistance on using this feature please contact iTunes Store support via email.