How to change datadir for MariaDB?

Solution 1:

On Debian 9 I solved by running:

mysql_install_db --datadir=YOURDATADIR

then changing datadir option in


(or whatever file containing datadir option) according to YOURDATADIR above and restarting mariadb.service

Solution 2:

Congratulation @CroisOS !

For those who come across a similar problem, here what i did. It is worth to check as it could be the situation your are in.

First, you should find if no other file contains the datadir directive ( it is just an example ). Run grep -R datadir /etc/mysql/.

I've once struggle with a such problem too, because systemctl stop|restart mysqld.service was not working ( the service was not stopped nor restarted at all ). The solution was mysqladmin shutdown. Ensure the service is not running anymore ( ps faux | grep mysqld ). Then restart the service again with systemctl.

Check the global variable corresponding to the directive at the mariadb console to ensure the change takes effect.

Solution 3:

Finally I have managed to solve.

NOTE: this is solution only for changing datadir after reinstalling MariaDB, if MariaDB was initially installed it should work by normal change of datadir in cnf file.

# that failed
apt -y remove --purge mariadb-server

apt -y remove --purge mariadb-server-10.2
apt -y autoremove
rm -fr /etc/mysql/
rm -fr /var/lib/mysql
rm /usr/bin/mysql

# in this moment datadir is /var/lib/mysql
apt -y install mariadb-server

/etc/init.d/mysql stop
cp -R /var/lib/mysql/ /tank/mysql/
cd /tank/mysql/
rm ibdata1
rm ib_*