How to repair an Exchange mailbox database in a dirty shutdown state?

Solution 1:

You need to use the ESEUtil (and a search engine) to repair your database if no backup is available. You can read up on the specifics of eseutil.exe on TechNet, but the basics are as follows:

  • Run Eseutil /P
  • After Eseutil /P completes successfully, run Eseutil /D
  • After Eseutil /D completes successfully, run Isinteg –fix –test alltests

Now, instead of re-writing the entire process, I'll point you to a few good step-by-step guides with more detail:

Exchange Server Database Corruption and Dirty Shutdown Scenarios - Explains how this happened.

Repair Exchange DB After Dirty Shutdown - A very detailed step-by-step guide.

Why Exchange Databases Might Remain Dirty After ESEUTIL /R Recovery - Additional valuable reading on the topic.

Be aware that this process takes a lot of time and a lot of free disk space. PLEASE read the linked TechNet article and possibly other resources before running these commands. Good luck!