Does Ubuntu has a MacOS like monitor color calibration app?

Solution 1:

There is an app for that:


Formerly known as dispcalGUI

Open Source Display Calibration and Characterization powered by Argyll CMS

Solution 2:

The thing that you're asking seems impossible but you can use Websites that offer display calibration by using Human input

and then you can make changes to your color profiles the way you want and test it again until you get it right. this is how I did it at least.

The Lagom LCD monitor test pages

The link above is one of many websites that offer this functionality. There are lot of other answers available that shows you how to edit color profile files.

I don't know how the Mac OS calibration works so I can't suggest an App that is similar to it, and in my opinion many people around here don't know how the Mac OS calibration works, so if you give a little more details explaining how the Mac OS App works then maybe someone will come up with better answer than mine