"Archetype" vs. "stereotype"
In terms of usage, is it fair to say that an archetype is a broader description of a class than a stereotype?
Here’s a reference to the usage of archetype becoming blurry in my mind.
Mindy Kaling, in a New York Times article called “Flick Chicks”, describes different types of women characters who show up repeatedly in chick flicks. At one point, she refers to the Woman-Who-Runs-An-Art-Gallery type as a film archetype yet her description of this archetypal character is quite one dimensional. Would stereotype be a better term for these chick flick “archetypes”? The piece has a satirical tone, so I do admit that she overstates at times for effect.
Solution 1:
From OED:
archetype - the original pattern or model from which copies are made; a prototype ... an assumed ideal pattern.
stereotype - a preconceived and oversimplified idea of the characteristics which typify a person, situation, etc.; an attitude based on such a preconception. Also, a person who appears to conform closely to the idea of a type.
I think there are two key differences here...
Archetype is normally a pre-existing model, from which future copies/examples are created. Stereotype is a "conceptual model" created by abstracting the key features of current examples.
Archetype is normally a positive description (but sometimes it may be simply a neutral term). Stereotype is invariably negative/pejorative. It's rarely neutral, and almost never positive.
It seems to me OP is already aware of that difference. He wants to call his example a stereotype rather than an archetype because the portrayal is "quite one dimensional". The implication is he sees the assessment as oversimplified, rather than accurately embodying the salient features.
Solution 2:
I remember the meaning of prototype, stereotype, and archetype like this:
the primitive, representative, and ideal forms (in that order) of whatever being discussed.
Solution 3:
Kaling has correctly identified that there is a "female gallery owner" archetype that may be represented in slightly different ways in a number of films. Your inference that this particular interpretation is not a well-rounded character might lead you to describe that one instance as a stereotypical portrayal.
But that does not mean that every "Woman Who Runs An Art Gallery" will be portrayed in that way. Meryl Streeep might take a character clearly derived from the same archetype and deliver a nuanced portrayal of a realistic individual; far from the stereotypical.
The two words can be applied simultaneously to different elements of the characterisation.