HAProxy use urls in server config?

Right now, my config looks like this:

server node1 10.20.x.y:80 check
server node2 10.20.x.y:80 check
server node3 10.20.x.y:80 check

What would be the best way to use URLS here instead of IPs?

Something like (But this does not seem to work):

server node1 url-1.google.com:80 check
server node2 url-2.google.com:80 check
server node3 url-3.google.com:80 check

When you want to use hostnames rather than IP-addresses that is called DNS resolution in HAproxy jargon. You will need to specify a "resolvers" section where you configure DNS. For instance:

resolvers mydns
  nameserver dns1
  nameserver dns2
  resolve_retries       3
  timeout resolve       1s
  timeout retry         1s
  hold other           30s
  hold refused         30s
  hold nx              30s
  hold timeout         30s
  hold valid           10s
  hold obsolete        30s

Then you must precise one resolvers parameter on each server line where DNS resolution is required.

server s1 app1.example.com:80 resolvers mydns resolve-prefer ipv6

Extra Credit Rather than enumerating each node in your config you can also use a round-robin DNS record in your URL. That means you can also reduce the configuration changes needed when you add/remove nodes from your cluster to only changing the DNS record.

A DNS record would then look like:

app1.example.com. IN A 
app1.example.com. IN A 
app1.example.com. IN A