Can I use a hash sign (#) for commenting in PHP?

I have never, ever, seen a PHP file using hashes (#) for commenting. But today I realized that I actually can! I'm assuming there's a reason why everybody uses // instead though, so here I am.

Is there any reason, aside from personal preference, to use // rather than # for comments?

2021 UPDATE: As of PHP 8, the two characters are not the same. The sequence #[ is used for Attributes.(Thanks to i336 for the comment)

Original Answer:

The answer to the question Is there any difference between using "#" and "//" for single-line comments in PHP? is no.

There is no difference. By looking at the parsing part of PHP source code, both "#" and "//" are handled by the same code and therefore have the exact same behavior.

PHP's documentation describes the different possibilities of comments. See

But it does not say anything about differences between "//" and "#". So there should not be a technical difference. PHP uses C syntax, so I think that is the reason why most of the programmers are using the C-style comments '//'.