supervisord stopping child processes
Solution 1:
The same problem was encountered by Rick Hanlon II here:
Option stopasgroup=true should be set in the program section for supervisord to stop not only the parent process but also the child processes.
The example is given as:
command=python runserver
Also, have in mind that you may have an older package of supervisord that does not have "stopasgroup" functionality. I tried these Debian packages on Raspberry Pi:
- supervisor_3.0a8 does not work.
- supervisor_3.0b2-1 works as expected.
Solution 2:
Doing the following early in the main bash script called by supervisord fixed the problem for me:
trap "kill -- -$$" EXIT
This kills the entire process group when the main script exits, such as when it is killed by supervisord.
Solution 3:
A feature was recently added to supervisord to send SIGKILL to the whole process group. It's in github but not officially released yet.
If the process id is available in a file, you can use the pid-proxy program
Solution 4:
try this supervisor program config:
Solution 5:
The following article has an in-depth discussion of the problem: