Jenkins website root path

Paraphrasing from the document you mentioned;

You need to specify the context/prefix of the Jenkins instance, this can be done by modifying the Jenkins configuration as follows; Either, set the context path by modifying the jenkins.xml configuration file and adding --prefix=/jenkins (or similar) to the entry. Or Set the context path when using by adding --prefix=/jenkins to JENKINS_ARGS in /etc/default/jenkins (Ubuntu) or in an appropriate startup file.

So, how to find these things...

The Jenkins.xml file should be in the $JENKINS_HOME directory, I'm not sure if Mac OS has the "updatedb" and "locate " commands, but you could try doing updatedb && locate jenkins.xml

Also, have a look in the startup scripts; /etc/init.d if installed from a package, or add the JENKINS_ARGS to the environment properties for the User running Jenkins (append to ~user/.profile) or the arguments for the container running Jenkins.

Be aware that if your Jenkins installation (without the prefix argument) was running under:

http://myserver:8080/ => 200 Jenkins is here

adding --prefix=/ci/dashboard in the arguments will produce this behaviour:

http://myserver:8080/ => 404
http://myserver:8080/ci/dashboard => 200 Jenkins is now here

Not sure where to look in config.xml, but at http://myhost/jenkins/configure, there's an option called "Jenkins URL" that you can use to set that.

Just to provide some recent confirmation of the suggested approaches, on CentOS 7, with Jenkins 1.610, I was able to achieve this by changing jenkinsUrl in jenkins.model.JenkinsLocationConfiguration.xml to the desired one (e.g., adding


inside /etc/sysconfig/jenkins, and restarting Jenkins.

FYI the Jenkins installation was made via Puppet, using this Puppet module.

  1. Add prefix attribute to /etc/default/jenkins file:

    JENKINS_ARGS="--webroot=/var/cache/jenkins/war --prefix=/jenkins --httpPort=$HTTP_PORT --ajp13Port=$AJP_PORT

  2. Configure your web server (e.g. - nginx) to redirect /jenkins to localhost:8080;

Put this into /etc/apache2/other/jenkins.conf:

ProxyPass         /jenkins  http://localhost:8009/jenkins
ProxyPassReverse  /jenkins  http://localhost:8009/jenkins
ProxyRequests     Off
<Proxy http://localhost:8009/jenkins*>
    Order deny,allow
    Allow from

Then execute these commands:

sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/org.jenkins-ci httpPort 8009
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/org.jenkins-ci prefix /jenkins
sudo launchctl stop org.jenkins-ci

The last command tells launchd to stop the running instance of Jenkins. And a new one will automatically be started because the launchd has been configured to always keep Jenkins running.