How to run Spotify in background?

Like other music players (e.g. Rhythmbox) I want to run Spotify(Spotify version in background.

But when I close the spotify window, it terminates the program. I have gone through the settings inside it and found this label "Startup and Window Behaviour", but there is nothing under this label. Screenshot Here

Running $ spotify --minimized gives me an error [0426/] Could not load cef_extensions.pak

Is this a known bug Or I'm facing this because I haven't upgraded my account yet? Is there any way to fix this?

It is indeed a bug

Spotify hasn't, and most likely won't, implement the feature to add Spotify to the tray, so that it would be minimized while still running. The official thread makes reference to the 1.0.23 version of spotify-client, but the bug still prevails.

Original text

Known linux specific issues in 1.0.23

  • Improper MPRIS support (there is support since 1.0.13, but limited functionality). Spotify DBus MPRIS2 support not fully working
  • Sometimes crashes when streaming and playing local files (these very likely have more than one root cause)
  • Linux Client crashing (segfault) on certain songs -- Segfaults when playing local files
  • Improper package dependencies for installation outside Ubuntu LTS The return of the libssl trouble on Linux
  • Missing application menu
  • Missing tray icon
  • Minimize (to tray)

Most of these we want to fix, but others (like missing tray icon) we probably won't.

*(SEMI) Fixed in the Latest test Version.

echo deb testing non-free | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/spotify.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install spotify-client

You may have to re-do your Cache folder, I did. To run minimized use nohup

nohup spotify

*I just realized I had spotify Window open and running in another work space so what the Op wants is still not achievable.