How to open a file with "sudo"?

Answer on Question - I am facing error with my internet connection

Above is the link to a fix to help with a loss of connection after power saving mode. It says "open with sudo..." How does one do that if one is a complete novice and knows nothing?

Solution 1:

The answer you provided in the link wants you to open a file with root privileges, which can be achieved using these two commands

sudo nano /path/to/your/

in the command above you are opening in a command based text editing tool called nano, In your particular case this command should work.

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf


gksu gedit /path/to/your/

In this command you're opening the same file with a GUI based text editor called Gedit (default on Ubuntu and Ubuntu GNOME), In your particular case, this command should work

gksu gedit /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf


Use sudo for command line programs (like nano), but use gksu or gksudo for GUI programs, which often use configuration files in the home directory. If you use plain sudo, the root user can take ownership or your user ID's configuration files and the program used that way will stop working (unless you continue using sudo). An alternative to gksu and gksudo is sudo -H

An explanation for commenting out is to add a hash # sign in front of the line, in the example you gave, the line


should become


Solution 2:

That means open that file with say the text editor nano but ensure you use root powers to edit it or it won't save. How, do:

sudo nano /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf

This is necessary because that file can only be edited by one with root privilege. You will be asked for your password which you have to give so the file will open in nano editor.

After editing it to save it:

  1. ctrl + o
  2. enter
  3. ctrl + x