USB 2-1 Over-Current message

Solution 1:

It appears to be a typo, you need to use spaces as delimiter of multiple boot options (as in "quiet splash"). So instead of GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash,ehci_hcd.ignore_oc=1" try

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash ehci_hcd.ignore_oc=1"

You can check whether it worked by running

cat /sys/module/ehci_hcd/parameters/ignore_oc

after the reboot. If it yields "Y", the boot parameter was set; if it yields "N" something went wrong, check spelling (musst be all lower case) and whether you indeed ran

sudo update-grub

after setting the option and before the restart.

Solution 2:

Over current condition is related to abnormal current flow higher than expected. This is a hardware problem in your USB port (or other component related to USB). In most of the cases, this is caused by dust/humidity (Remember that most of dust is, in general, dead skin and it is a very good humidity holder).

You shouldn't simply ignore this condition. There is an electrical issue in your motherboard. If the ports are attached by cable, you can pull it out. Otherwise, if the ports are soldered in the MB, it will be more difficult to sane.

My first attempt to resolve is do a very very detailed clean on the motherboard. Works in the majority of the cases.

Some rare cases, the ports need to be replaced. In only one, I solved by replacing a capacitor.