Can MacFusion be used under Mountain Lion?

I have bought a new MacBook Pro with Retina display which has OS X 10.8.3. I have installed MacFusion from the version on their website, but I cannot mount it, getting this error: Could not mount filesystem: Mount process has terminated unexpectedly.

Can you help me with that?

Unfortunately Macfusion no longer works, it hasn't been maintained in a long time. Newer versions were around for a while but as near as I can tell, none of them work anymore either. Your best bet is a commercial product which can mount FTP or WebDAV disks such as Transmit. For mounting disks via SSH, I believe we're out of luck.

Such is progress.

Macfusion has been forked on GitHub by another developer and a pre-2.1 development build is available that operates under Mountain Lion with no issues yet that I've discovered; both SSHFS and FTPFS work with FUSE for OS X if the MacFUSE compatibility layer is installed.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can download the build or build it yourself from

Alternatively, the original Macfusion 2.0.4 can also be convinced to work again as a front end for SSH mounts and this works under ML, if you also install FUSE for OS X and SSHFS (also available from the same site), then modify it so that the sshfs-static binary points to the one from SSHFS, by running the following commands in Terminal:

cd /Applications/
mv sshfs-static sshfs-static.orig
ln -s /usr/local/bin/sshfs sshfs-static

However, it's a bit finicky. Mounting and unmounting SSHFS filesystems works fine, but attempting to remove a filesystem from the Macfusion list will fail.

I am unaware of a way to re-enable FTPFS functionality in Macfusion 2.0.4.

More information: SSHFS Installation: Macfusion