Can't install VS Code [duplicate]

I'm trying to install Visual Studio Code, I downloaded deb file and run it. Ubuntu Software was opened but unfortunately when I tried to click install button nothing happened (this is only happening with third-party software). I didn't even get any error message. What can be the problem?

Solution 1:

I don't know what the cause was, but I had the same issue. I could install other software, like chess. I couldn't install Atom, though.

I managed to install it from terminal, using command (in case you don't have gdebi, first type sudo apt install gdebi-core -y )

sudo gdebi code_XX.XXX.XXXXXXX_amd64.deb

where Xs are the version number. You have to run it from directory where you have the deb file.

Solution 2:

Another good way is to do it completely in the terminal and just type sudo dpkg -i vscode.deb where vscode.deb is the deb file that you downloaded.