How prove this inequality $(1+\frac{1}{16})^{16}<\frac{8}{3}$

show that $$(1+\dfrac{1}{16})^{16}<\dfrac{8}{3}$$

it's well know that $$(1+\dfrac{1}{n})^n<e$$ so $$(1+\dfrac{1}{16})^{16}<e$$ But I found this $e=2.718>\dfrac{8}{3}=2.6666\cdots$

so how to prove this inequality by hand?

Thank you everyone solve it,I want see don't use $e=2.718$,because a most middle stundent don't know this value.

before I have use this well know $$(1+\dfrac{1}{2n+1})(1+\dfrac{1}{n})^n<e$$

so $$(1+\dfrac{1}{16})^{16}<e\cdot\dfrac{33}{34}\approx 2.638<\dfrac{8}{3}$$ to solve this, But Now we don't use $e=2.718$. to prove this inequality by hand

\begin{align} (1+\dfrac{1}{16})^{16} &= \sum_{k=0}^{16} {16 \choose k}(\frac{1}{16})^k \\ & = 2 + \frac{15}{32} + \frac{35}{256} + \sum_{k=4}^{16} {16 \choose k}(\frac{1}{16})^k \\ & \leq 2 + \frac{15}{32} + \frac{35}{256} +\sum_{k=4}^{16} \frac{1}{k!}\\ & \leq 2+ \frac{15}{32} + \frac{35}{256} + e - 1 - 1- \frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{6}\\ & = e - \frac{2}{3} + \frac{155}{256} \\ & \leq 2.719 - 0.666 + 0.606 = 2.659 \end{align}

I used the fact ${n \choose k} \leq \dfrac{n^k}{k!}$ and $e \geq \sum_{k=0}^{16}\dfrac{1}{k!}$. In addition, $e< 2.719, \frac{2}{3} > 0.666, \frac{155}{256} < 0.606$

Added: for a proof which doesn't use the value of $e$, we could use \begin{align} \sum_{k=4}^{16} \frac{1}{k!} \leq \frac{1}{4!}(1 + \frac{1}{5} + \frac{1}{5\times6} +\frac{10}{5\times 6\times 7}) = \frac{269}{7!} < \frac{39}{6!}< \frac{7}{5!} = \frac{7}{120} < 0.06 \end{align} Then we have $2 + \frac{155}{256} + \frac{7}{120} < 2 + 0.606 + 0.06 = 2.666$

If $$(1+\dfrac{1}{16})^{16}<\dfrac{8}{3}$$ then $$16 \log(1+\dfrac{1}{16}) < \log\dfrac{8}{3}$$ Now, let us use a very fast converging series (it contains only positive terms) $$\log\Big(\frac{1+x}{1-x}\Big)=2\sum_{i=0}^{\infty}\frac{x^{2k+1}}{2k+1}$$ and use $x=\frac{1}{33}$. Using only two terms for the summation, we then end (for six exact figures) with $$16 \log(1+\dfrac{1}{16}) \simeq 0.969994 $$

Let us do the same with the rhs using $x=\frac{5}{11}$. Using two terms for the expansion already leads to a value of $0.971700$

This can be done by hand as a fun little exercise in hexadecimal arithmetic, with some clever up-rounding to keep the calculations from getting too tiresome. Writing everything (including the exponents) in base $16$, with digits $0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F$, the inequality we need to prove can be rewritten as


Now $11^2=121$ and $121^2=14641$, whether you do the calculations base $10$ or base $16$ (there are no carries in either case). To go further, it helps to use the inequality


If this inequality doesn't strike you as obvious (and it shouldn't, really, since we're working in an unfamiliar base), note that

$$14641^2=(14700-BF)(14600+41)=14700\cdot14600-(146\cdot BF-147\cdot41)100-BF\cdot41$$


$$147\cdot41\lt200\cdot50=A000\lt B000=100\cdot B0\lt146\cdot BF$$

Continuing, we have

$$11^8=14641^2\lt14700\cdot14600=(147\cdot146)\cdot10^4=1A05A\cdot10^4\lt1A1\cdot10^6$$ and thus


so, finally,


as desired.

Please note, I did all the three-digit multiplications here literally by hand, on paper, so I hope someone will take the time to check my arithmetic and correct it as necessary. The crucial base-$16$ calculations that aren't eyeballable are

$$\begin{align} 121^2&=14641\\ 14641&=14700-BF\\ 147\cdot146&=1A05A\\ 1A1^2&=2A741\\ 3\cdot2A8&=7F8\\ \end{align}$$

Assuming logs are allowed, and suppose we change the question a little to

"Find the largest $n$ for which $\left(1+\dfrac 1{16}\right)^n<\dfrac 83$."

The solution would be:

$$\left({\dfrac {17}{16}}\right)^n<\dfrac 83\\ n(\log 17-\log 16)<\log8-\log 3\\ n<\dfrac{\log8-\log 3}{\log 17-\log 16}\\ n<16.18\\ n=16$$

Hence the proposition $$\left(1+\dfrac 1{16}\right)^{16}<\dfrac 83$$ is true.