Windows Dynamic Disk not reading in Ubuntu

Solution 1:

"Dynamic Disks" are a Windows proprietary format that can not be used on other operating systems like Ubuntu. You need to convert it back to a basic disk in Windows.

Solution 2:

First, you need to change a dynamic disk back to a basic disk. You can do this either through the Windows interface, or using the command-line.

Using the Windows interface

  1. Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.

  2. Open Computer Management (Local).

  3. In the console tree, click Computer Management (Local), click Storage, and then click Disk Management.

  4. Right-click each volume on the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk, and then click Delete Volume for each volume on the disk.

  5. When all volumes on the disk have been deleted, right-click the disk, and then click Convert To Basic Disk.

Using a command line

Back up all volumes on the disk you want to convert from dynamic to basic.
For more information about backing up volumes, see Related Topics.

Open Command Prompt.



At the DISKPART prompt, type:

list disk

Make note of the dynamic disk you want to convert to a basic disk.

At the DISKPART prompt, type:

select diskn

At the DISKPART prompt, type:

detail diskn

For each volume on the disk, at the DISKPART prompt, type:

select volume=n

and then type:

delete volume

At the DISKPART prompt, type:

select diskn

Specify the disk number of the disk that you want to convert to a basic disk.

At the DISKPART prompt, type:

convert basic