Sorted navigation menu with Jekyll and Liquid

Since Jekyll 2.2.0 you can sort an array of objects by any object property. You can now do :

{% assign pages = site.pages | sort:"weight"  %}
  {% for p in pages %}
      <a {% if p.url == page.url %}class="active"{% endif %} href="{{ p.url }}">
        {{ p.title }}
  {% endfor %}

And save a lot of build time compared to @kikito solution.

edit: You MUST assign your sorting property as an integer weight: 10 and not as a string weight: "10".

Assigning sorting properties as string will ends up in a a string sort like "1, 10, 11, 2, 20, ..."

Your only option seems to be using a double loop.

{% for weight in (1..10) %}
  {% for p in site.pages %}
    {% if p.weight == weight %}
        <a {% if p.url == page.url %}class="active"{% endif %} href="{{ p.url }}">
          {{ p.title }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

Ugly as it is, it should work. If you also have pages without a weight, you will have to include an additional internal loop just doing {% unless p.weight %} before/after the current internal one.