Macro to Copy Hyperlink from Another Sheet [closed]

Here is the fixed code. I also added an If so if the original link cell was blank it would remove the hyperlink in the new sheet because when you resorted the information the cells that corresponded to blanks on the other sheet still had the old hyperlink from the last time the macro applied.

Sub UpdateLinks_Click()
' Copy the hyperlink from Modeling Tracker Sheet and apply it to the Directory

Dim i As Integer

For i = 7 To 1007

If Worksheets("Modeling Tracker").Range("S" & i).Value > "" Then
Dim newLink As String
    If Worksheets("Modeling Tracker").Range("S" & i).Hyperlinks.Count = 1 Then
    newLink = Worksheets("Modeling Tracker").Range("S" & i).Hyperlinks(1).Address ' Get the link from the Modeling Tracker
    Worksheets("Directory").Range("B" & i).Hyperlinks.Add Anchor:=Worksheets("Directory").Range("B" & i), Address:=Worksheets("Directory").Range("B" & i) 'turns it to a link
    Worksheets("Directory").Range("B" & i).Hyperlinks(1).Address = newLink 'replace it with newLink
    End If
End If
If Worksheets("Modeling Tracker").Range("S" & i).Value = "" Then
Worksheets("Directory").Range("B" & i).Hyperlinks.Delete
End If
Next i
Worksheets("Directory").Range("B7:B1007").Font.Color = vbBlack ' this to is avoid the auto hyperlink format
Worksheets("Directory").Range("B7:B1007").Font.Underline = False ' this is to avoid the auto-hyperlink format
End Sub