Should the abbreviation 'i.e.' be used in speech? [closed]

It depends on the nature of the speech. In an informal conversation with family and friends you can say what you like. Anyone addressing an audience will speak differently. In such a context the use of abbreviations would sound careless, and possibly even vulgar, to me, but then I've no great enthusiasm for the serious use of abbreviations anyway, particularly Latin ones.

More often than not, i.e. is used pretentiously and ironically incorrectly, but it doesn't mean "for example" nor is it a synonym for exampli grati (e.g.). It means "id est" or "that is" which to remember I like to think of it as "in other words".

So it's okay to use i.e. or e.g. in speech, just again don't be "that guy" who tries to sound smart but sounds like an idiot using them incorrectly.