Why does the clock in the notification area freeze?

I have noticed a bug in the Windows Vista taskbar clock (not the gadget one, the regular good old taskbar time). Sometimes, not that often, the clock display freezes and sticks to e.g. "7.41". And eventhough the gadget clock works, showing the proper time, the task bar clock does not update and shows "7.41"

I am not sure whether this vista specific, but I have only noticed it a couple of times on my home pc, running vista. Anyone else aware of this, and possibly a solution?

I have had this, it is a bug.

Are you using the RTM? I am using 7048, if you are using the RTM, I am surprised it hasn't been spotted.

Anyway, if you just click and hold down anywhere on the taskbar and then drag it to any other dockable edge of your screen(s), but don't let go, then put it back to where it was, it will "redraw" the taskbar and the clock will be back to normal.

I have had this issue about 5ish times in around 6 months, and as for other people here, it is not caused by other software as I first had this straight after installing Windows 7.

I've been having this problem for years on several computers. Yeah, it's really annoying. Maybe it's caused by some 3rd party app that developers use? If enough people respond maybe we can find the common app. Besides Microsoft or common software, I'm running:

  • Dropbox
  • Perforce
  • Photoshop
  • Puretext
  • Tortoise SVN
  • Cisco VPN
  • Ultra-Edit

Anyone else have common apps here?