Do "Bodies Found" Count Against Ghosting?

Solution 1:

It doesn't. Here is proof from my recent stealthy, super-lethal playthrough of 'House of Pleasure' mission stats (With no Shadow Kill. Notice that there are 12 bodies found, but 'Ghost' is checked):
enter image description here

Basically, as long as no red 'marker' appears on an NPC or a wolfhound (dog), it won't count as detected. Three white 'markers' won't count as detected. The red marker appears only if an NPC or wolfhound has detected you, not a body you killed or made unconscious.

Also, here are some reports from other posts:

Bodies found does not void the achievements Ghost, Clean hands or Shadow. Completed all three achievements yesterday and I have had missions where bodies were found.

Source (Reddit /r/dishonored)

Other reports: [1] [2]

Solution 2:

No, it does not. I was awarded both Shadow/Ghost on my play-through and I ended up with several bodies discovered in the mission statistics for quite a few missions.